Do for Friday, March 5th

Complete and submit Quiz #2 by 2:30pm on March 5th. If you don’t get an automated email back saying your quiz has been submitted, check your spam folder. If you still can’t find it, email me to confirm that I received your submission before class starts. I cannot accept late quizzes.

Also, please finish up Chapter 3 in the reading (sections on Social Dialects and Styles, Registers, and Beliefs).

This week’s reading

Hey everyone,

Thank you for your presence and participation in class today! This email is a reminder to read chapter 1, Introduction (pages 1–22) in the textbook, An Introduction to Sociolinguistics by Ronald Wardhaugh.

Remember that you do not need to do the discussion questions in that chapter, but we will work on some of them together in class next week.

Remember also that the textbook is free and available as a pdf on the readings page of our website, here. The password to access that page is “linguist” (without the quotation marks).

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks again,

Welcome to Sociology of Language (LING 380/SOC 427)!

Hello everybody,

My name is Joe Pentangelo, and I’m your instructor for Sociology of Language at the College of Staten Island.

The first day of classes for CSI is tomorrow, January 29th. Since our class meets Fridays, this is also the first day for our class.

We’ll be meeting over Zoom at 2:30pm on Friday, January 29th (tomorrow). The Zoom link is

You can also enter by using meeting ID 554 539 7081 and the password “linguist” (without the quotation marks). We’ll be using the same Zoom link and credentials throughout the semester.

We’ll be going over the syllabus, talking about course expectations, and having a discussion about sociolinguistics – what it is, and why it matters.

If you have any questions, please contact me at [email protected].

Looking forward to seeing you all soon!
